
Sports ETA Seeks Industry Participation for Survey

Incentives are in place for responses received by March 1

Posted On: February 2, 2024 By : SportsTravel Staff

The Sports Events & Tourism Association is seeking data from sports-event industry professionals that will be used to create the 2023 State of the Industry Report, which will be unveiled at the association’s annual symposium in April. The report, conducted by Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics company, and sponsored by the Northstar Meetings Group, will be the first comprehensive update to industry’s economic impact since a similar report that covered data through 2021.

The previous report concluded that coming out the pandemic, the sports-event industry in the United States generated an estimated $39.7 billion in direct spending. Combined with indirect spending, the industry generated $91.8 billion based on 2021 numbers.

Take the Survey
To fill out the Sports ETA State of the Industry survey, click here.

“The Sports ETA State of the Industry Report is the most comprehensive report of its kind to demonstrate the value of our industry,” said Jason Gewirtz, vice president of the Northstar Meetings Group Sports Division and a Sports ETA board member. “But it’s imperative that members of the industry participate in the report’s findings. This report is one of the most powerful tools we have to advocate for the work we do in the sports-event industry. The importance of participation cannot be understated.”

The new report will incorporate essential data from 2022 and 2023 and aims to offer strategic insights into market size, economic impact, competitive dynamics and industry trends.

To complement data that Tourism Economics is collecting, Sports ETA is seeking survey responses from destination organizations (sports commissions, CVBs/DMOs, chambers of commerce); event rights holders (national governing bodies, sports organizations, pro sports teams, tournament/event organizations); and sports venue/facility/parks and recreation organizations (arenas, ballparks, stadiums, multi-purpose campuses, outdoor recreation). Organizations do not have to be Sports ETA members to take the survey.

Surveys will take about 10 minutes to complete and will require data related to budget (last year’s and this year’s), events, sponsorship, participation and spending. Each organization is asked to provide just one response and responses will be kept strictly confidential. Results will be reported only in aggregate.

To ensure data collected from this survey remains relevant, the survey will close at 11:59 p.m. ET on March 1, 2024.

As an added incentive, those replying to the survey by February 16 will be entered to win a $500 Amazon gift card (one $500 Amazon gift card will be awarded to each organization type: destination, event rights holder, sports venue/facility/parks and recreation). Those who complete the survey by March 1 will also be entered to win one of four $100 Amazon gift cards (one each for each of the organization types).

To fill out the survey, click here.

Posted in: Hosts & Suppliers, Latest News

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