Sports ETA, in collaboration with Northstar Meetings Group, is seeking responses to a landmark study on the sports event and tourism industry. The State of the Industry Report for Sports Events, being conducted by Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics company, is designed to set a benchmark for the industry’s overall impact. Areas of study will include strategic insights on market size, economic impact, competitive dynamics and industry trends.
Sports ETA is seeking responses to the survey by March 1.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and participants are asked to provide only one response per organization. Those taking the survey should have their budget, event, sponsorship, participation and spending data readily available for completion.
As a bonus, those who complete the survey will be eligible to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards.
All responses will be kept strictly confidential and results will only be reported in aggregate. The study findings will be released beginning at the 2020 Sports ETA Annual Symposium in Kansas City, April 20–23.
The full report will be available to all Sports ETA members. The association is also offering customized reports to member destinations to analyze direct economic drivers such as hotel, restaurant, transportation and retail spend and competitive dynamics such as bid fees, lost business and destination-owned vs. independent events.
The survey is part of a multiyear partnership announced last year between Sports ETA and Northstar Meetings Group, the publisher of SportsTravel and organizers of the TEAMS Conference & Expo. The agreement also included a track of educational programming at TEAMS ’19 in Anaheim, California.
To take the survey, please click here.