RSVP Now for the SportsTravel Road Trip
Spend a morning with the brightest minds in sports law during the SportsTravel Road Trip. Plan now to join us April 22-23 for the SportsTravel Road Trip in Colorado Springs, a complimentary by-invitation-only event designed for sports organization CEOs and event directors, organized by SportsTravel magazine and sponsored by the Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau.
The SportsTravel Road Trip begins with a reception from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, at Johnny Martin’s Car Central, a new and unique private club in downtown Colorado Springs. The reception will feature a bourbon tasting under the direction of Evan Williams Artisanal Craft Distiller Charlie Downs.
The Road Trip continues on the morning of Wednesday, April 23, at the U.S. Olympic Training Center with a “Sports Organization Legal Tune-Up” focusing on the following topics and featuring three of the nation’s leading experts on sports law from the law firm Bryan/Cave:
Anti-Doping: Coming Clean in a Complicated Era
Clarifying the role and responsibilities of the sports organization in an era when faster, higher, stronger must also be clean.
Facilitator: Rich Young drafted the World Anti-Doping Code and has handled high-profile cases for the World Anti-Doping Agency, the United States Anti-Doping Agency, the United States Olympic Committee, USA Swimming, and the International Weightlifting Federation, among others. He has also led the investigations into alleged doping violations by numerous athletes and their support personnel, including Lance Armstrong, Floyd Landis and Marion Jones
Safe Sport: How to be Proactive in Preparing Your Organization
In an age of mandatory background checks for coaches, a growing concern about bullying and hazing, and a rising tide of accusations and lawsuits centering on child physical and sexual abuse, sports organizations need to know how to protect their athletes and avoid situations that could land them in hot water.
Facilitator: Lucinda McRoberts has extensive experience representing National Governing Bodies and other sports organizations in a wide variety of matters, including Safe Sport initiatives as well as crisis management and athlete eligibility and selection disputes. She has drafted policies to assist clients with recognizing, responding to and reporting misconduct and has investigated and prosecuted dozens of cases involving allegations of child physical and sexual abuse.
Labor Pains: What Unionization Could Mean for Your Organization
The recent NLRB decision to allow players on Northwestern University’s football team to unionize could have far-reaching implications across the sports universe. What impact could this decision have on your sports organization?
Facilitator: Steve Smith is a sports-law specialist who focuses on naming rights, sponsorships, licensing agreements, stadium operations, television and media contracts, and representing leagues and National Governing Bodies. He writes “The Legal Arena” column for SportsTravel magazine.
The legal expertise provided by these sessions will save you and your sports organization time and money. Space is limited so reserve your seat today by clicking here.