
Partnership Reached Between U.S. Center for SafeSport and Sports ETA

Organizations will get training in abuse awareness and prevention

Posted On: July 1, 2019 By : Matt Traub

The U.S. Center for SafeSport and the Sports Events and Tourism Association have announced a wide-reaching partnership where the center will provide abuse awareness and prevention training to be distributed by Sports ETA to more than 800 members and affiliated organizations including sports commissions, sports facilities and events owners, and multisport organizations and state tourism departments.

The training will benefit athletes, coaches, volunteers, referees and staff. Used by U.S. Olympic and Paralympic sports, the center’s online and in-person training enables participants to recognize, prevent and respond to abuse, and covers topics such as mandatory reporting and sexual, emotional and physical abuse awareness education.

“Sports ETA is committed to making sports safe and positive through accessible abuse prevention education,” said Regis Becker, interim CEO of the Center. “Changing the very culture of sport is a team effort, and we are excited by Sports ETA’s vision and commitment in this critical area.”

“We’re grateful for the U.S. Center for SafeSport and this new partnership,” said Al Kidd, president and CEO of the Sports Events and Tourism Association. “Bringing these tools to our members is crucial to help end abuse in the sports world. It’s something our members and Sports ETA are looking to accomplish.”

Posted in: Latest News, Sports Organizations

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