Coaches Vs. Racism, a national non-profit created to end systemic racism in sports, will host the HBCU Roundball Experience in November in Washington, D.C., highlighted by a game between the University of Michigan and Prairie View A&M at the Entertainment and Sports Arena.
The game will be played November 13 with tickets available starting October 15 at A portion of the proceeds from all CVR games will be used to support marginalized students and student-athletes who are unable to complete their education due to lack of tuition funds. The non-profit will place special focus on students at HBCUs.
Coaches Vs. Racism is mobilizing coaches in the pro ranks as well as collegiate and amateur levels to create approaches to inspire cultural and societal change in the world of sports. The non-profit will work with coaches to ensure all players have access to the tools and resources necessary to develop student and professional athletes to their full potential and level the playing field.
“Our focus is to shine the spotlight on systemic racism as a root cause of the inherent disparities that exist in the sports,” said Darryl Woods, executive director of Coaches Vs. Racism. “Economic inequality continues to exist today in our elementary and high schools, colleges and universities and is detrimental to our youth. By working together, and using our collective passion for sports, we hope Coaches Vs. Racism will spark productive conversations to change the narrative about race in sports and serve as a revolutionary voice for change in our society.”