Dear Event Doctor: We’ve had success and failure when it comes to recruiting quality volunteers for our events. What have you found to be the best practices when it comes to engaging potential volunteers from a community where we might stage an event? —Volunteering Information
Dear Volunteering : You can identify qualified volunteers through nonprofit organizations, the host CVB and local sports teams. Or you can simply advertise the opportunity. But recruiting volunteers is usually not as challenging as wisely managing them.
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The Event Doctor is sports-event veteran Frank Supovitz, president and chief experience officer of Fast Traffic Events & Entertainment, an event management and consulting firm. From 1992 to 2014, Supovitz served as the senior event executive for the National Football League and National Hockey League. He is also the author of “The Sports Event Management and Marketing Playbook.” Questions for The Event Doctor can be emailed to Frank Supovitz at eventdoctor@schneiderpublishing.com.