Full Sail University near Orlando, Florida, will partner with the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games and ESPN to produce the Unified Esports Invitational on June 7. The event will be staged at the university’s on-campus esports arena, the Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress, and will air live on ESPN3 and be streamed via the Special Olympics Twitch channel and Full Sail Armada’s Twitch.
The invitational will combine in-person and virtual competitors with teams consisting of three players, including two Special Olympics athletes and one unified partner participant. Three members of Full Sail Armada’s varsity Rocket League team and one member of the university’s Armada’s leadership team will serve as unified participants. Each team will play Rocket League with teams selected based on esports experience.
“It is a thrill to provide Special Olympics athletes the opportunity to participate in an esports event during the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games,” said Joe Dzaluk, president and chief executive officer of 2022 Special Olympics USA Games. “Partnering with Full Sail University elevates the overall experience for both athletes and spectators. I encourage the community to come out and watch this exciting event and cheer on Special Olympics athletes.”
Full Sail emerged as the host because of its production capabilities at the Fortress, alongside its community involvement and thought leadership in esports. Home to Full Sail Armada, the Full Sail University Orlando Health Fortress is the university’s on-campus collegiate esports arena, which has arena seating capacity of 500, a concert-level PA system and LED wall to support presentations and graphics.
“The 2022 Special Olympics USA Games remain an iconic, impactful, and cherished national event celebrating a more inclusive world through the love of sport,” said Sari Kitelyn, director of esports and project development at Full Sail University. “We’re honored to collaborate with the USA Games as they embark upon this esports invitational.”