Chris Tatum Named President and CEO of Hawaii Tourism Authority
Posted On: November 30, 2018 By :Chris Tatum has been named president and CEO of the Hawaii Tourism Authority. Tatum recently served as general manager of Marriott Resorts Hawaii and is in the process of retiring from a 37-year career at Marriott to lead the HTA.
“Chris Tatum has an ideal combination of qualities, experience and dedication to service that is needed to lead the Hawaii Tourism Authority forward, and the ability to guide the future direction of our state’s most important industry in serving the interests of residents on all islands,” said Rick Fried, chairman of the HTA board.
Tatum moved to Hawaii as a child and has held a variety of tourism industry positions in his hospitality career in the state. He previously served as chairman of the Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association and Oahu Visitors Bureau and currently serves as chairman of the Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau.
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a difference in my home by developing a sustainable brand strategy that enhances the visitor’s experience, while preserving our way of life,” Tatum said.
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