Category: Bob Latham: Winners and Losers

Winners and Losers — SportsTravel — News, Insight and Analysis for the Sports-Event Industry

World Series Rays Dodgers Baseball

Brave New World Series

I love sports, I enjoy travel and I enjoy traveling for sports. While I and other inveterate sports travelers endure this pandemic, I have been looking forward to a day when sports-related travel would again dot my calendar. However, in a serendipitous and mountain-coming-to-Muhammad moment, sports-related travel came to me. The announcement by Major League […]

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Heisman Ameche 1951

Madame Heisman

The college football season is in full swing and with it comes the annual debate about candidates for the Heisman Trophy. Whoever wins this year’s Heisman will face what previous Heisman winners have inevitably faced—decades of family members talking about, cradling and posing with the family Heisman. For having a Heisman in the family is a lifelong […]

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Bob Latham_web

A Night With the Crazies

There is no set formula for a sports venue to reach mythical status—“mythical” being defined as “I need to experience it before I die.” Some of the ingredients are tangible: longevity, success of the team that plays there, a history of signature games in the venue. But there are always intangibles as well. That’s what makes a foray […]

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